I am adding a ton of pictures to this post because really whatever I say can't do our adventures justice. The past 30 or so hours have just been fun. Plain and simple. Oh except for the fact that Troy now has a fever. He has taken some medicine, so hopefully it won't develop into anything more serious. It seems to be the same virus I had prior to my bronchitis and what Samuel developed earlier this week.
Last night we celebrated our familia with this incredible chocolate cake that we bought at a bakery downtown. It was "que rica" as the boys like to say. I know they don't know why we are celebrating, but they appreciated the cake all the same. We also learned the hard way that giving them chocolate cake about an hour before bed time is not really that great of an idea, especially when they have missed their naps. Daniel + Chocolate Cake - naptime = one crazy kid. It took a while to wind them down and stop the giggling.
Today we went on a walking tour of downtown Pereira with José. He took us to Bolívar Square (almost every city in Colombia has a Bolívar Square), a beautiful cathedral, one of the oldest buildings in Pereira where we stopped for beverages, souvenir shops, and another plaza. It was good to get out and see the city (without running errands). While we were out the most bizarre thing happened. This woman came up to Luis and was trying to talk to him and he was shying away from her. I didn't think much of it because people are always asking if they are twins or patting the boys on the heads and such. Normally the boys walk around saying "Hola!" to everyone they meet. Then as she passed José, Troy and the other boys she greeted them and got into a brief conversation with José. It turns out she is the sister of their foster mother. According to Wikipedia, there are nearly 600,000 people in Pereira and we just happened to run into someone who knows the boys. How crazy is that? And Samuel was like "Oh yeah, that was Jenny." Weird! And then Luis kind of bolted up the street like he was going to follow her. Fortunately, it didn't seem to upset them, negatively effect them or make them homesick in anyway that I could see. We went back to normal within minutes. It just struck us as odd that we would run into someone who knows them. José seemed to think it was good that she got to see the boys out and about and happy so she could let her sister know that they are doing well. I think he is right.
OK, enough blabbering. On to the photos, including photos of this evening's fiesta!

We had pasta last night for dinner. Troy and I could do an entire post just on mealtime with the boys. It is the funniest, most frustrating time. No meal passes in a timely, stress-free manner. It is always long and there is a lot of pleading. The best though is when the boys tell each other to "EAT!" and they still have food on their own plates.

This is the cake we bought. Yummy!

"This cake is so yummy it requires a fork and a spoon!"

"More cake please!"

The fam at the "Bolívar Desnudo" statue.

I just love this picture! I can't tell you how long it took me to get this shot!

The building where we stopped to get something to drink is one of the few buildings that is original to the city. The building itself was very beautiful. Here José is helping Daniel with his Pineapple juice. Poor boy does not really understand how to drink from a straw.

Luis is trying to mimic José, but he doesn't understand that you have to create a vacuum on the one end so all he is getting is foam.

Samuel is of course brilliant...and the oldest!

Throwing leaves into the fountain at the Lake Plaza. Boy was Daniel mad when we had to leave. Although, I am still not sure if he was really mad or if it was a genius ploy to get me to carry him...Regardless, Hannah, if you are reading this, I need to go to Pilates or Yoga or something, my core is too weak to carry these four year olds around!

Our last stop was a restaurant at the top of this mountain where you can see the whole city. It was so beautiful.

The best part of any trip is when the kids fall asleep in the car!

Rosario threw us a fiesta to celebrate our Sentencia, and let me tell you, she knows how to throw a party. The entire downstairs was decorated. We had appetizers, drinks, the whole nine yards. She even gave each of the boys these adorable traditional Colombian bus sculptures (I will take a pic and upload) with their names painted on front. Here the boys are admiring the decorations, mostly just ooohing and aaahing over the balloons.

We ate Mexican tacos and nachos. And I cannot say it enough - I wish that I could take Alba and Betty home with us to cook for us every day! The food here is so delicious. And they even make stuff plain just for me! Mauricio is the guy at the far end of the table and Hector's wife, I am pretty sure her name is Alba too, is in the middle.

Our lawyer Hector and his daughter Pilar (who is Mauricio's girlfriend). The kids love her and she says fun stuff like "super-bueno!"
Troy and Hector Fabio. I think that Hector looks just how I would picture our lawyer. I don't know why, but he looks like a lawyer to me!
Whew! I am just catching up from the last few posts..."internet anywhere" is a relatively loose term. Anyway - congrats on Sentencia! We had been praying it would be Friday and that it would go well and we are so thrilled that it did and you may be home as early as a week(ish)!
Looks like you have had a wonderful time celebrating and enjoying Pereira and the friends you have made there. Beautiful pictures! Here's to a few more days and then - HOME! =0)
A grand adventure and celebration. Love Mom
It's so nice to hear a smile in your voice and I love the pics. Can't wait to post a comment that says Welcome Home. It's just around the corner.
Ola - just a note that we are happy all is about complete and you are ready to embark on the trip home. We are so very happy for you.
Troy - feel better soon.
Your dad is still in the hospital fighting a fever as well, post surgery they say and is normal. He is walking a lot now and got real food for the first time today. They have not changed his bandages yet. I hope he comes home on Monday, driving to York is a mess.
Take care, Love Sue
It's has been so great keeping up with your adventure over the past few weeks. Hopefully a week from today you'll be headed home!!!
We're very happy for you and look forward to meeting the boys.
Travel safe and we'll see you soon.
Looks like a wonderful time was had by all! I think its great that the boys got to see someone that can report back to the foster family. I often think of our son's foster family and how much I wish I could tell them how well he is doing. As long as it didn't upset them I think its a good thing.
Happy for you guys. Hopefully it was a great and relaxing weekend and you got to enjoy the city without the rest of the adoption stress.
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