Sunday, July 06, 2008

Home Improvements

Ok, I am going to do this in two sections since I have some catching up to do. As all of you know, either from experience or because you saw/heard how exhausted we were, casa de Eisenberger underwent some major transformations in the two weeks leading up to our trip. We cannot take all of the credit. We would like to give a HUGE shout out to Dave and Wendy Chinn (who drove down from Blacksburg, VA), Kirk Hassenfritz and Steve and Maria Frey. These five individuals worked super hard last Sunday to help complete some of the outstanding projects that Troy and I needed to get done. Not surprisingly, several of those projects involved fixing things that the dogs had destroyed. But enough about that, here is the fruit of our labor:

The boys will share a room. This is Carlos' bed.

Luis and Daniel will get the bunk beds. We don't know who will sleep where just yet. Sylvia has already claimed the bottom bunk though, and Baxter has discovered that he fits nicely underneath.

We made the bathroom more kid friendly. The elephants will move downstairs to our bathroom.

And no more "Room of Doom." We now have a real, bonafide guest room.

My friends Pam Howard and Jenny Schmidt put together a shower for me on July 2. Not exactly a home improvement, but it definitely helped provide many of the necessities to help us put the house together and be ready to travel. It was so much fun and many of my good friends were there to help me celebrate what is possibly the biggest milestone of my life.

Our new minivan (well new to us). Now all we need are our soccer players! Not being stereotypical, the boys really do like futbol!


Auntie Manda :) said...

LOVE the room, it looks great. You guys did a wonderful job. Hope you are having fun. Be safe, we love you.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I found your blog and am following along. We have two beautiful children from Colombia and hoping for a sibling group in the near future. I can sense your excitement in your posts and it is contagious! -- even though I don't even know you! Congratulations. Have a wonderful time becoming a family.

Haberly said...

you all just have such great taste! Andrea, I've always enjoyed your thematic bathroom decorating... the monkeys rock!

Dawne said...

God Bless you and Troy. I am so, so, so happy for you. The pic of you and the boys made me cry. I know how long this journey has been, but you guys are great parents already. You acred enough to care, now three beautiful little boys know familia!!! Sorry I did not make the party, but I'll make up for it in Sept. See yu then.

Love ya,