On days like today it is hard to not feel like you are counting the minutes go by. We got to play outside some with frisbees and a soccer ball, until the ball mysterious disappeared. Authorities say it may still be rolling down the street. Of course, it then rained all afternoon here in the Seattle of South America so it was an afternoon of t.v. (look for a totally off-topic report on children TV programming) and books.
I'll take the chance of a slow day to report on some past happenings.
No snazzy pictures for this one. This is the meeting that is held one week after we meet the kids to see how things are going. We obviously "passed", but it was not without interesting happenings. During our first meeting with the boys, we asked the psychologist several questions about the boys, and the paperwork we received. Some of the answers kinda puzzled us, but we didn't say anything. After reviewing the paperwork more, we noticed discrepancies between what we were told and what was in the paperwork. Most of this was dismissed with "well, that's not was meant", or "no, we didn't say that, this is the truth." It was also hard to follow, with Andrea sick, the kids running around, but there were several moments where things made no sense.
Also, we had prepared a list of questions, and it seemed obvious that the psychologist was tired of answering them, even saying, "oh...you have more". I'm just trying to keep people posted, not just complain about how things went. We are glad it is over, but it wasn't the best experience.
3 kids. No mom. We were like 20th in line. Ropes were knocked over; chaos was created. I'd rather not relive this memory.
This was another place I had seen in pictures (thanks Derr's!), then forgot about, so when the hotel owner Rosario offered to take us to the farm "la finca", I expected cows and such. Oh no. It was gorgeous. The boys played soccer, played with rocks, swam, and then some other stuff. I even got to swim a few laps, just enough to remind me it's been over a month since I've swam laps. Andrea was stuck at home sick this day...but we are hoping to go back on Sunday. Anyways..here are the pics.
Boys and a new friend play with rocks...
Samuel and Daniel lounging on a towel
When Luis Angel's "blanket" wasn't available, the beach towel worked just fine!
Not a bad place to swim at all...
Samuel asleep on the floor of the car on the way home
Get better soon, Andrea! I know from personal experience how miserable bronchitis can be... Hopefully those good Colombian meds are doing their work! Sorry you have been laid low the last few days - that is the last thing you needed. Sounds like Troy has been handling it very well, though! We have had our share of endless days too - esp when Jim was gone - and Aidan watched way too much TV! I showed Aidan pictures of your boys, and he is already planning a playdate! Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
Take care,
As though you didn't need reminders that we are desperate for the Lord ALL the time. He is kind to bring along stuff like major viruses and "bank days" to help us not forget. I am working on thinking this way when my first thought of the day when the alarm goes off is "How long until bedtime?" :)
BTW, if I hadn't said it before, your boys are GORGEOUS! I wish I could me them. Maybe someday you'll be up in Norfolk. Here's hoping.
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