Saturday, July 12, 2008

They Say He Is The Calm One...

In all of our paperwork, Daniel is constantly referred to as quiet and laid back. They say that his "hermano gemelo" (twin brother) is hyper active and very busy. We are still trying to figure out if they got the paperwork backwards like they got their photographs backwards. You be the judge. This is a clip of Daniel. Side note: At the end, when he is saying "A po po yo. A po po yo." He is saying he has to go poop. And he didn't. We have a lot of false alarms, but hey, at least they let us know, right?

P.S. Sorry it is sideways, but you still get the point, right?

1 comment:

Dad said...

Dad Well it’s a good thing that he is warming up to the water. Maybe he will be a diver. The kids look great and seem to be bonding nicely. I think things will improve when they get home and can get into a routine. It will be a big shock to them but I’m sure they will adapt. Wow! That is quite a nice place, maybe you will not want to come home. Have fun with your children.