Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Two Surprise Visits!

So I am a little behind this week, but so much has happened! First off, our week started with a couple of surprise visits and has just been crazy ever since.

Surprise Visit #1: On Sunday we went to McDonald's to go to the Playplace. (Please do not take this as an indicator as to how Troy and I feed our children - we had drug them to a few different stores and wanted to give them a chance to play for being such good sports.) At the said Playplace, Luis got bumped into by an older, bigger kid who he then hit and the kid then hit him back. Troy saw the whole thing, grabbed Luis and then I proceeded to take him out to the van where I could talk to him about what happened when I noticed his mouth was gushing blood. turns out that at some point during the "scuffle" he finally lost his snaggle-tooth. Yay!!!! We looked all over and couldn't find it, so we assume he swallowed it. He was so sad the whole way home, he just kept sucking in his lips. Troy and I kept rejoicing that it finally fell out. So...the Toothfairy made her first appearance in La Casa de Eisenberger. The other boys were jealous, but we have assured them that their teeth will fall out one day too!

Since Luis is so young to lose his teeth, I am not sure how long he will have the gap, but boy is the gap better than his messed-up, half hanging out teeth! He doesn't seem to mind that they are gone now.

How much is a tooth worth? Only $1 per tooth in our house, BUT we made sure they were the cool, shiny, gold dollar coins. Our kids don't really "get" money yet, so coins are just like another toy any way.

Surprise Visit #2: This one was MUCH needed. Picture it: I am on the phone, Samuel is crying because Daniel has pegged him in the head with yet another toy (when is Sam going to learn to just throw it back at him?), Luis is in his bed crying because he is in time-out for tearing a book, the doorbell is ringing, the dogs are barking... I figured the person at the door was probably FedEx and would go away when all of the sudden, my sister pokes her head in the door and says, "Hey are you going to answer the door?" Yay! Yay! Yay! I have not seen my family since April...My niece (who I like to consider my mini-me, not because she looks like me, but because I adore her and we have been peas in a pod since she was born) has grown like a foot, and my nephew (who used to never talk to me) couldn't stop talking to me! And to see my sister and my brother-in-law (who I equally adore) was like a much needed breath of fresh air. It was just the pick-me-up I needed after a hard week/weekend. The boys seemed a little tentative at first, but before too long, Daniel only wanted Tia Amanda and they were wanting Tio Rico (who is very tall) to pick them up over his head. I cannot tell you how long I have waited to see my children cling to my sister the way that Liana has clung to me. When Daniel got hurt and wanted Tia Amanda to comfort him, I had to smile with pride and nostalgia at the number of times Liana wanted me. It was such a great visit. I could go on and on...

La Familia bonita!

Poor Liana! She is completely outnumbered! Do you see her little foot sticking out? She was totally able to keep up though! Afterall, at almost 9 years old (in two weeks) she is nearly twice as tall as everyone else! I think Ethan was in boy heaven! He loves having boys his age and size to play with!

So, we adults went out for drinks but didn't have a babysitter... That joke will never get old for me. How many kids can you fit in the dog crate? And, why is it fun to lock yourself in the crate? I just don't get it. The boys were so excited to meet their cousins. When our family left on Tuesday, the boys stood at the door with the saddest faces on - Mama too.

Samuel and Liana were inseparable. When we went to the mall, she kept asking him for hugs and they would walk with their arms around each other. It was so adorable. In the car, she said to me, "Auntie, they are even cuter in person."

The boys are very thankful for the two extra dumptrucks that their new family brought! Now each of them have their own. Yes, I wrote their names on them. I have to stay one step ahead and had to anticipate that Samuel would get it in his head to play with all three at one time. Now each of them know exactly which truck is theirs. No crying, no arguments!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful visit with Amanda, Rico, Liana and Ethan. I didn't realize how much my family has grown until I saw a family picture. It is awsome. I'm so envious I wasn't there to join in. But it was much needed time for all of you guys. WOW three big trucks Whew Hoo! Wonderful gift. I miss you guys and hope that you can come this way for a visit soon. We'll have a huge picnic and play time in Amanda's backyard. Love Mom

Beth said...

Great post! I loved all the pics.Sounds like everyone in your house is getting along just fine.

Red said...

How fun! I can't believe that Liana is almost time really does fly. Amanda and Rico look great and I didn't even know about Ethan - crazy! Looks like ya'll had a wonderful time and I love the Amanda thought to bring the BEST gift ever! No fighting, no arguments = peace for mama!

Anonymous said...

I thought I remember you saying something about you guys weren't doing the whole tooth fairy thing (...or Santa...or the Easter bunny...)! Something about deceptive lies.....

I'm glad you caved!!!!!!!!

The Eisenbergers said...

OK, so I have said numerous times that I DO NOT want our children to believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny will not come to our house... The boys do believe in Santa Clause because we had no say in the first 4 and 6 years of their lives - we aren't sure exactly the extent of their beliefs in this area. They had NEVER heard of the tooth fairy and Luis was so sad about his tooth that we needed to make it OK. Getting paid to lose your teeth seemed like a harmless thing since there is no greater meaning behind the tooth fairy like there is with Christmas and Easter. My beef with Santa and the EB is that I want my children to understand fully why we celebrate Christ's birth and resurrection.

And...I totally caved!