Friday, August 22, 2008

You Know Urine Trouble When...

We have had a consistent theme over the last couple of days...pee!

Incident #1: Yesterday morning, I woke up after 9:00 AM and thought "Holy cow! The kids are sleeping late...Why are we sleeping so late?!" As I walked in to the boys room a little while later, after feeding the dogs and prepping breakfast (Kellogg's), I smelled the distinct smell of urine and thought "Oh no, Luis, not again." (He had wet the bed a couple of days ago). However, Luis was sitting up, chatting, and ready for breakfast. Not Daniel though. He was laying against the wall, pretending to be asleep. So, I got Samuel and Luis up, put them in front of the TV and went to work on Daniel. It took a couple of minutes to coax him out of bed, assure him that it was OK, and realize that he was SOAKED and WARM. Why, oh, why didn't he get out of bed and go to the bathroom? I really stewed over this all day until it hit we had a talk that went something like this (except in Spanish): Me - "Did you not go to the bathroom because there was no gate?" Daniel - "Yes" Me - "Were you afraid of the dogs?" Daniel - "Yes". I then explained to him that the dogs are in our room all night and all morning. Poor baby, he was terrified because I hadn't put the gate up outside their room and was convinced the dogs were lurking just outside his door. He couldn't wait for me anymore, and he just couldn't hold it.

Incident #2: I took the twins to Chic-Fil-A today to meet a friend and her son for lunch (Troy was working from home and Samuel was not feeling well). The boys were playing in the play place when Luis came running back to our table holding his "boy parts" saying "Mama, chi chi, chi chi." Well, he was shoeless and I wasn't going to let him go around like Brittney Spears. I clearly underestimated the seriousness of his pee-pee dance because as I was putting on his second shoe, the pee came gushing down his leg. Luckily, my friend Beth was very gracious and went to get the "mop guy" while I got napkins, and she even shared a story of a time when her son randomly urinated at an inopportune time. Luis didn't even cry. He just stood there in his wet pants and shoes like this happens every day...something tells me this may have happened a lot in his former life. The best moment was the look on Troy's face when Luis walked into the house naked from the waist down (I took off his pants and underpants because I didn't want the carseat to start stinking.)

Incident #3: The details on this are still sketchy. All I know is that I came home from shopping this afternoon to find Luis in the tub and Troy describing what must have been a horrific scene. Apparently, Troy went to wake the twins up from their nap and found Luis standing at the foot of his bed. His pants were soaked and his pants had extra surprises for Troy. Nice, real nice! We have been over this 100 million times!!!! If you ask him "Where do you po po?" He will tell you "In the bathroom", but he doesn't always practice what he preaches. Needless to say, it would take an entire CSI team to figure out how Luis' bed was not dirty from this. I literally stood in their room, sniffing EVERYTHING trying to piece this together. The only thing I could come up with is that he might have been trying to make it to the bathroom, but it was more urgent than he realized... The joys of potty training.

If the third time is a charm, maybe tomorrow will bring a new theme... Here's to hoping!


Lauren said...

hehehehe. i laugh only because it's funny...ok, b/c it's funny and i've had to do the same things before. don't worry, i think it just adds extra jewels to your crown.

Laura S said...

Oh the things I have to look forward to!! :) Sounds like you are handling it well though.

Anonymous said...

I spend my day working with mom's and parenting one of the big topics at 2 is potty learning. I remind them that this is a time of control for the child so if you wan to be successful at toilet learning not put to much pressure on them. The result could be nor using the potty for some time. If I was guessing your guys have had lots of changes in their lives, in the end they will all be for the good but right now they most likely feel out of control. Stay calm and encourge them when they use the potty. A trick some of my mom's have use is stickers or rub on tattoos every time they use the potty they chose the one they want. Pee get one poop two. In no time they were potty trained. The key is the only way you get the tattoo or sticker is by using the potty.

Ruth Ann

PS I love reading your blog. I always check when I check Penny and Brian's. I admire so much what you have all taken on.(Instant families)

Laura said...

Yes, the joy of poop! Our youngest, Nolan who is 2 enjoys smearing his poop all over his wall to make art! He then smears it all over his face, hair, and the rest of his body..I had to txt my husband a picture before hosing him down in the shower! LOL Joys of sure to take pictures and post in your scrapbooks for them to see later in life...