Monday, August 11, 2008


So we are home now if you don't know that. Andrea has a post below outlining our first few days. In an effort to keep the blog interesting long after we have left Colombia, here is the first guest babysitter post in which we describe encounters where celebrities come watch our kids for the night.

Brett - Yeah, I think I'm ready to come back. I know the last time I said no more babysitting, and I cried. But there's just a desire to compete, to watch the kids. I'm ready to come back. Are they upstairs?
Troy - Yeah. Okay, We are going to see The Dark Knight since we are now one of the 9 people in the US who haven't seen it. I have however seen the first 20 minutes of Cars 62 times.
Brett - I love that movie. I mean I really don't like it. It's awesome. I dunno...I may change my mind.
Andrea - There's mac and cheese in the fridge.
Brett - I love Italian food. Reminds me of the time I spent 4 hours at the Olive Garden. 30 minutes to decide Smoking vs. Non-Smoking (smoking...I'm a gunslinger)....then booth vs. table (I went with table). Then I finally decided on the chicken parm. When the waitress brought it out, I told her I wanted spaghetti and meatballs, when she came back again I told her I wasn't hungry and wanted to sit in a booth in non-smoking.
Troy - Okay. Whatever.
Brett - You can count on me. I'm a great leader.
Troy - When you're not throwing interceptions, right?
Brett - You're just a bitter Seattle fan right?
Troy - Yup.
Brett - Have a good time. the movies....

Andrea - Can I get nachos?
Troy - Sure...hey is your phone ringing?
Andrea - Yeah...hello?....oh really....i see....but then who will?...okay.
Troy - Brett is quitting?
Andrea - Yeah, he got a babysitting gig in New York. Don't worry, he got someone to fill in. Some nice girl named Erin I think.
Troy - Sweet.  Let's go watch something violent.


Unknown said...

Ha! That's awesome!

Christina Schaefer said...

Andrea!! It is Christina Schaefer from Ocoee, FL, we chatted for months when we were both TTC. I am so excited to read about your news. I had emailed you awhile back with no response so I was not sure if your email address was the same. Mine is still if you ever want to chat. Congratulations, what a blessing or should I say...BLESSINGS!! I hope to chat with you again soon.

Christina Schaefer

Anonymous said...

You are awesome. I LOVE it.

adam said...

I didn't know you had a podium in your house

Anonymous said...

Here's the scoop. New parents don't get to see movies in the theater-if at all. You have to wait until they are at Blockbuster and hope for a good night of sleeping for the boys. Try your church youth group.
Good luck!


Red said...

Too funny, I hope you have taken the total down to 7 people in the US who haven't seen The Dark Knight. Hopefully, once you find sitters, you can climb down on the number of folks that haven't seen it twice. =0)

Maybe Tomorrow said...

This is hilarious. Really genius stuff!
BTW - I have seen the first 20 minutes of CARS at least that many times as well. g