Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Desperately Seeking...


I know this is not a traditional format for finding someone to babysit your children, but we are desperate in the short run. I will be conducting a more formal search in the very near future, but if there is anyone out there in the University City (or Greater Charlotte) area who could help us out every once in a while (or knows of someone else that could), we would be eternally grateful! We are willing to pay!


P.S. More pictures and true-life details are forthcoming in the very near future!


Joanne said...

I am also desperately seeking in Boston (and probably won't find help before we leave). I am sure you've tried this but wanted to mention craigslist and also the online job listing at local colleges. Both got me replies within 24 hours of people who were ready to start immediately.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Matt Hasselbeck is available.

denisha3000 said...

andrea- not sure when you are needing help, but give me a shout and let me know more specifically what you need!! i'd love to try and help. (this is denise)

Anonymous said...

i actually know of someone who would be an absolutely perfect babysitter for the boys. she is a lifeguard at the y who will be a senior in high school this year. she speaks spanish very well. she used to have long talks with carmen (troy - i'm sure you remember carmen. she's a spanish teacher for cms.), and i would just listen, completely confused. haha! anyway, i talked with her about it today, and i think she's interested. let me know if you'd like her name and number. she's a wonderful girl! i highly recommend her!

hope all is well!