Thursday, September 18, 2008

Road Trip!

For those who are keeping track, we are at the 10 week mark! Hooray! We have our good days, our bad days, our challenges and our triumphs, but overall I would say we are definitely feeling more like a family. Sometimes I can't believe that these three amazing boys are my sons, and other days, I just can't remember life without them.

The twins and I went back to work last week. We had a couple of days where Daniel would melt down as I dropped them off at Child Watch, but now they say "chau mama" as soon as we walk in the door. Everyone is exhausted as we adjust to our new schedule, but we are making it through at least.

Last weekend we took an all too short trip to see mi familia in Virginia Beach. It was a weekend jam packed with a stint at la playa and a birthday celebration for my darling niece. It was fun to show off the boys to our extended family and family friends. The highlight for me though was Troy and I finally having our own kids at one of my niece's birthday parties. For years we have longed for this as my sister and brother-in-law have a couple of families that they are close to who all have children. There were many times when I left her celebration feeling a little defeated by my inability to conceive. It was fun to see the boys running around their house, making themselves at home in Ethan's room.

Challenges: Samuel is starting to struggle a bit with school. He is not always able to understand, so now that they are getting into the meat of the curriculum he is starting to lose focus. Fortunately, ESL testing took place this week and he will start regular classes next week. Daniel jammed his thumb tonight and proceeded to scream in my ear for about 30 minutes before asking to go to bed. Poor guy! Luis is becoming more and more defiant on a daily basis as he enjoys testing what he can and can't get away with. As a result, he spends a lot of time "in the corner".

Triumphs: Samuel is speaking more and more English everyday. He has started to throw out new words and is very proud of what he is learning. His favorites right now are "yes" and "thank you". He is also learning his colors and commands like "stop it" and "be quiet" which he says to his brothers often. Daniel has learned how to whistle, not well, but he is trying and whistles along with the music in the van. Luis has become more cuddly. He runs to me everyday with arms outstretched when I pick them up from Child Watch. He then proceeds to shower me with besos! Sweet boy!

Nana and Pop Pop posing with all their "little men". The birthday girl was off doing birthday things with her friends - we have all learned that at 9 years old, friends trump family everytime.

The boys loved the giant sandbox that God created just for them. There is nothing more fun than a sandy beach. Let me just say that I did not know that sand could get into so many places. We were all covered in it, but it was the best time I have ever had at the beach. For those of you who know me well, you know I have never like the beach that much despite growing up minutes from the ocean. Having kids heightens the excitement for me. I wish I had pictures of their faces when they saw the ocean for the first time. There were lots of "ohhhhs" and "wows". It was priceless.

It must be a boy thing. The girls were in the water, and the boys were on the beach digging in the sand. E's whole goal was to make the sand in this one spot as wet as possible and he had Nana trekking back and forth to the water to fill his bucket.

This picture cracks me up because of the look of sheer terror on Daniel's face. Neither of the twins liked the water. I walked them down to where the tide was coming in forgetting that the tide sucks at your feet as it goes back out. We weren't even up to our ankles, but they both screamed like the ocean was attacking them. I, of course, have adopted a "make them suffer until they get used to it" approach to the twins' fear of everything, so I made them stand there for a little bit, screaming, hoping they would see that the beach is not malo. Let's just say, Nana did not approve of my "try it until you like it" method. Those within a two mile radius probably didn't either as the boys emitted super-sonic screams.

We played so hard with our primos (cousins), at the beach, at Nana's, etc... that the twins passed out within 15 minutes of being in the car and headed home. We need to visit Nana more often!


The Woottons said...

That last picture is adorable! Your a natural!

Haberly said...

The try-it-till-you-like-it method most definitely can work. Thomas did not like going in the pool the first time... screamed and yelled to get out, but he eventually got used to it and I distracted him. There weren't too many people at the pool. I wonder if your twins would have eventually stopped... wow, supersonic screams. I'm amazed at how loud such little bodies can be!

Red said...

Hey, nana doesn't live with the twins full time...mama and papa have to do what they think is best in discipline (sorry Earlene!! =).

Think all those times when you and Troy were at a lovely dinner, before you were parents, and there was a kid screaming at the table next to you.

Did you judge the parents who wouldn't shut their kid up, or at the VERY LEAST take them to the bathroom or car (depending on why there was screaming and if discipline or consoling needed to happen), of course you did...absolutely. Do you regret it, no of course not. Pass it on...pass it on. =)

BTW - I was about to ping you on facebook to see how it was going. Glad you got to go home and share the boys with your family!!

Anonymous said...

I loved catching up on all the fun things going on in the Eisenberger household. It sounds like things are going well overall. I can completely relate to having fun at the beach with your kids. I used to like the beach okay when I was younger, now with the kiddos in tow, it is my favorite place to be. Thinking of you all!