Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Preston!

Today is our goldfish Preston's 8th birhtday. I (Andrea) won him at a carnival 8 years ago today! Can you believe it?


David and Sheila Derr said...

That is pretty miraculous! I thought those things had a much shorter life span than that, Andrea!

I have been meaning to drop by and say 'Hi', but have been terribly busy here in Colombia! Have you guys heard anything about your referral? (Although, I am sure you are sick of hearing this question!)

We have thought of several things that may be helpful for yourselves in traveling down here...everything from travel info to a list of helpful phrases and words to get under your belt if you don't already. Dave and I will try and put them together for you sometime in the near future.

In the meantime, we are praying for you guys and look forward to hearing about your own referral in the near future!

Nicole said...

Wow! Happy Birthday Preston!

Haberly said...

that is ridiculously amazing! I would have killed it by now... what a real life partner! That fish has been with you through a lot. An apartment, 2 houses, wow!