Friday, January 11, 2008

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life." ~Proverbs 13:12

For those of you who do not know, I work for the YMCA of Greater Charlotte. The "C" in YMCA actually stands for Christian which means that I get to freely live out my faith on a daily basis at work. Having worked in non-Christian environments before, I cannot even begin to express how meaningful it is to work at a place where we have devotions and prayer at the beginning of most meetings. This verse about hope came from the devotion in a meeting I had this morning. Needless to say, it bowled me over.

In all of these of years of waiting and longing for parenthood, I had not heard this verse before. I am not sure I can accurately describe the instant rush of emotion that I felt when I first read it. It is just truly beautiful. I think that the best way to describe it is that I felt like God was saying "I understand what you feel." I know on the most basic level of my faith that He, of course, knows what we feel--after all we are created in His image. But this verse felt personal. I can't remember a time when I have ever waited for something for so long, and for there to be a verse in the Bible that describes what long periods of waiting does to your heart is comforting. I don't know why I am so surprised that such comfort and empathy exists in the Word, but I am glad I was reminded of it today.

On a side note, and going back meetings and the Y, the joke at our branch is that the "M" stands for "Meetings" since all we seem to do is go from meeting to meeting.

Hope you all are doing well!


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.

Laura S said...

Hi! Saw that you are from Charlotte. We moved down to Atlanta 2 years ago from Charlotte. If you haven't already found them there is a good Colombian restaurant on South Blvd and a Colombian Bakery and a grocery store also on South but south of the interstate. If you don't know where they are let me know and I'll ask my husband exactly where they are.

Good luck to you. Looking forward to following your story. Our blog is

Genece said...

Just found your site and wanted to say hello. We just returned from Colombia a few weeks ago and are happy to see others adopting sibling groups. We're blessed beyond belief with our kiddos! Best of luck to you! My gut instinct says you're probably not looking at much more of a wait before you get the referral! Good luck and we'll be popping back in checking your progress. Our blog is at

Warmest Wishes and May God Bless,
Genece & Rick

Boyacheks said...

Hi, I have just seen your site and it is so exciting to see other people adopting siblings! We are in Florence AL, and our paperwork was approved and is in the region of Boyaca. If you don't mind I would love to add your site to our blog.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

The Y is such a great place to be during a time like this. It is so full of hope. You are always in my prayers:) Miss you very much.