Friday, February 13, 2009

Our Year So Far...

After much harassment and (not so) gentle reminding from a myriad of people, I finally conceded to the fact that it is indeed time to update the blog. Sorry for the delay. Our year has been a bit crazy. But before I get started I have to give a BIG shout out of CONGRATULATIONS to two friends who had babies this week:

-The Baughns (Stephanie and Ryan) welcomed their fourth boy, Jasper Emile, on Tuesday. Having three boys, I have to give them props because I think one more would drive me over the edge.
-The Carlbergs (Sheila and Chris) welcomed Lincoln Edward on Wednesday. We used to have a link to Sheila and Chris's adoption blog, and just when their Khazakstan adoption seemed to stall God blessed them with their pregnancy.

OK, onto La Familia Eisenberger happenings...

Luis and I spent several hours on the evening of New Year's Day in the hospital after paying a visit to our pediatrician at his house (yes it pays to be friends with your children's doctor). It turns out that he had pneumonia and RSV. Poor boy was completely miserable and hacking up a lung - not to mention his 105 degree fever. Happy New Year! Fortunately, with some strong antibiotics and a handy dandy nebulizer, he recovered pretty quickly. We did have a string a sicknesses after that as we all passed around a cold. The rest of us escaped the RSV which was excellent.

The weekend of January 23rd, the boys and I headed home to VA Beach for Nana's birthday celebration and some much needed R&R for all of us. Troy got some Papá time and I got to spend time with my family. The boys got to wear themselves out with their primos, and we all got to play the Wii!

The most recent events include "our perfect day" this past weekend and Samuel's broken tooth. On Tuesday, I received a call from his teacher informing me that there had been an accident on the playground involving Samuel, a pole, and his teeth. The tooth he broke was his brand new permanent tooth! This led to an emergency trip to the dentist which turned out to be helpful becuase this was the last appointment I needed to make for all of the boys and now we finally have a dentist (and she is wonderful).

Here is the rest of our year in pictures. They always tell a better story than I every could anyway!

Troy took Samuel to get his hair cut at Sport Clips. They both came back looking very dapper, and Sam keeps asking when he can go back.

He is so handsome!

We built a fort! Samuel and Luis loved it. Daniel was so confused by it and kept wanting to play right at the entrance, but he finally caught on and was OK with it by the end. The dogs were especially confused because it blocked the couch, so they didn't know where to lay down.

Samuel has a ridiculous amount of homework for being in kindergarten. He can write both his first and last name on his own though - a feat he is very proud of!

We had a snow day. We have actually had two, but only went out to play on one of them. Troy worked from home that day so he could enjoy the boy's first snow. We got completely bundled up for our 3/4" and went outside to make snowballs. Samuel even made a snow angel.

Someone gave us this snowsuit and I didn't think we would ever get to use it. Thankfully, we did!

The twins can entertain themselves anywhere. I dread the day they lose this quality!

Too, too cute!

Papá and Daniel had a great time hanging out in the snow.

Samuel got stuck in one of the Crepe Myrtles. It was kind of funny!

The dogs even went out to play. This was Baxter's first snow too! It took him forever to go to the bathroom because he didn't like the way it made his paws feel. It was hilarious to watch him walk around on the grass!

Nana Peregory's Steelers fans! I knew I held onto this stuff for a reason. That's "Messie's" Terrible Towel. We celebrated the Super Bowl with our friend's Matt & Jessie. When the boys try to say Matt and Jessie, it just comes out "Messie".

This one is for Nana Peregory too! I couldn't resist putting Luis in this "little Ben" jersey. Too cute!

Troy wasn't giving up hope though. He was rooting for the Seahawks until the though they weren't even in the playoffs/Superbowl this year. The jersey Sam is wearing is Troy's Steve Largent jersey from when he was Sam's age. He was very proud to pass it down!

Last weekend is why I love February in the south! Random 70 degree weekends! We hit the greenway, went for a walk to the playground and let the boys play to their heart's content. Then we went to get a bite to eat. The greenway is wonderful because the boys can run/walk and we don't have to worry about where they will run/walk off to.

Swinging and swinging and swinging. I think the twins stayed on the swings nearly the whole time!

One of my favorites!

Daniel can be happy just about anywhere!

Luis has some of the best expressions!

Hopefully, I will be able to keep this more up-to-date, but I am not making any promises. Although we do have some exciting things in our future, including the opening of the Charlotte IKEA and the Carolina Alpaca Celebration!


Red said...

Woohoo - sounds great! I love the swing pictures, they are fantastic (especially the one of Samuel peeking in the frame) and the haircuts. The mini Steelers fans are awesome too - hanging on for their WV roots! =0)

Glad to see the update, and look forward to more soon!

Laura S said...

Love the haircuts!! The boys are so cute. Glad to hear everyone is doing well now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. The boys seem well loved and very happy!
