Saturday, March 08, 2008

Big news...

Yesterday afternoon we received the best possible news short of actually receiving our referral (for those not familiar with the lingo yet, a referral is the assignment of children to a family). As I was preparing to leave work, I came across an email from our case worker Sarah. She was giving us the long-awaited update on our paperwork which has been hanging out in the city of Pereira since mid-November. Here is what the email said:

"Great news :) Just spoke with Raul [our agency's Colombian program director] and he thinks you will be getting a referral VERY soon (within the month) from Pereira. SO....he is asking you to look at your documents to see if any need to be redone."

This is not in any way an official promise of children, but it is cause for us to hope big. It may take longer than a month, but it sounds like the powers that be in Pereira may have children in mind for us. In the meantime, we are doing what they are asking of us and getting our paperwork updated. I had already sent off a request letter to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to get our fingerprints updated (they expire in May). Our next steps include updating our medical and employment letters, as well as our FBI clearances (yes we have to have two separate sets of fingerprints updated). Other than that, we just keep hoping and praying that our official referral will come anyday now!


John, Patty, Tiffany & Brian said...

That is great news. HOw exciting. I still remember when they told us we should update our paperwork. I was constantly checking e-mail and phone messages all the time hoping to hear something. We got our referral just 15 days after being told we were approved. Congratulations and we will pray for you to get a quick referral!

Laura S said...

Great are one step closer! It will be a relief to have all the updated paperwork behind you as you will have so many other things to do once you know for certain!

Genece said...

Andrea and Troy,
You are so close now! Excellent news! When CAI tells you to update all your documents because it could happen soon, they mean it! In our adoption they always predicted with a longer range that reality. They tended to give stretched out quotes on predictions of timelines, perhaps in hopes they would be surprised when it happened faster. In our case from the time we heard of our approval by ICBF, 2 days later we found out they'd sent our paperwork to a regional office, then 8 days later we got the actual referral of our 3 beautiful children.

We're keeping you in our prayers and hope for a quick referral.

Nicole said...

Wow! That's great news! I hope you hear something very, very soon!

janine said...

This is so exciting! I had read your blog awhile ago, forgot the address, and now found it again through the Boyacheks! It will be exciting to continue to follow your journey!


David and Sheila Derr said...

Hello Troy and Andrea! A friend tipped us off to your blog this evening. She mentioned that you guys are expecting a possible referral through Pereira. That is wonderful! David and I received a referral through Pereira for a 18 month old boy on 3/31 and are looking to travel 4/26 to Bogota and then off to Pereira for our 'Gotcha Day' on 4/29. Perhaps we will run into you guys down there!

Nicole said...


I do the same with yours! I am waiting for you to post "THE" news!! We still have to have a regional assignment but I know that is one step closer.

It's so close you can almost grab it! Hang in there...