Thursday, July 09, 2009

Happy 1st Anniversary La Familia Eisenberger

Can you believe we met the boys one year ago today?

July 2009, Virginia Beach, VA

July 2008, Periera, Colombia


Christy said...

Nope, honestly can not believe it. That went by so quickly! Congratulations, have fun celebrating a year of being together!

Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

Congratulations! Time flies! Enjoy it while it lasts!

Laura S said...

Congratulations! I know its been a crazy, fun, wonderful year.

clariposa said...

Yay! Congratulations!!
Miss you!

La Familia said...

Congratulations La Familia Eisenberger!!! How quickly a year goes by and so many memories made in the process. We just love the picture from last July and this July. Your boys have grown so much and are too cute for words. Wishing you all the best and a bunch more of those wonderful memories as a beautiful family of 5!!! Love, La Familia Baumgardner

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family!Can't believe a year has gone by. I have followed your story from the beginning. Your sons have grown so much and are absolutely the most handsome boys. I am the abuelita to the Baumgardner girls. They are also reaching their one year mark on the 30th. It brings me such joy to see how well adjusted your family seem to be.Thank you so much for bringing a smile to my face each and every time I see new pics of your family. You are wonderful! Keep up the awesome job of parenting. :)

shane said...

WOW they've grown! How aweseome! I'm sure it is hard to believe a yr. has gone by already.