Saturday, November 10, 2007

Have you met Baxter?

The little guy on the right is our latest addition to the Eisenberger clan. He is cute and getting bigger every day. He is sweet and always has this air of wonder and curiosity. He loves his "big sister" and she loves him--they play, fight, sleep and repeat all day long. It is neat to see how well Sylvia takes care of him and the amount of patience she has for him, even when he is yanking on her ears. They make our house feel fuller.

We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment. ~George Eliot

1 comment:

Haberly said...

They are both gorgeous and so well-behaved to stay so still for a photo! That dog-play must be so fun to watch. We have to get a yard before we can get a pup.